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Top 10 Reasons Why People Become Atheist

1-God is Not All-Powerful 

God is Not All-Powerful

This argument would be exquisite devastating perhaps that if God is greater than the god persuasion of ancient Greek, where, interestingly, gods were seemed to fight against fate and restrained to their certain roles in the whole cosmos. The modern people find it difficult to have a firm belief in such gods who themselves have not enough power and who are devoid of perfect free-will, but there are many religions who describes the perfect free-will of God.

2-They Seem no Difference Between the Belief in God and other Myths 

They Seem no Difference Between the Belief in God and other Myths

That one who actually assess the strong faith of God, they also have to believe in the religious development and the human testimony of thousands of years. These believers have to read about the martyrs enduring the utmost terrible trauma in the protection of their religions. These believers must have to believe on a great number of accounts that are without any proof and are given in the religious texts. But the modern man finds it hard to believe on these things and consider it a myth just like Santa Clause and Tooth Fairy.

3-Religions Arose from Those Ancient People who did Not Have Science 

Religions Arose from Those Ancient People who did Not Have Science

It is considered those who believed such strange incidents like the virgin delivery of Christ were basically compelled to have such beliefs and secondly they did not know about the exact the process of the birth of babies. In ancient ages, the people considered these events miraculous and remarkable divine actions, because they did not have any modern technologies like modern people, but now modern consider it difficult to believe.

4-Following the Rules of Ancient Age in this Modern Age is Not Intellectually Right 

Following the Rules of Ancient Age in this Modern Age is Not Intellectually Right

Mostly the modern reject the idea of reading and seeing past for their personal upbringing. According to them it is not correct intellectually, and their this rejection and hate against past lead to them towards atheism. The modern generation thinks that we are leading lives that are manifold better than the ancient people, because we have those facilities about which the ancient people even could not imagine, then how we can follow the rules of ancient age.

5-Religious Books Do not Make Sense 

Religious Books Do not Make Sense

The atheists present another strong argument against all religions that the religious book are on extreme and full of supernatural stories that are not believable in this modern age. Religious books tell the stories about the creation of the universe which cannot be proved scientifically and also full of rules about good and evil which are difficult to follow that's why modern man seems no attraction in these books and reject them.

6-Religion is Just a Part of Culture 

Religion is Just a Part of Culture

On the number six, another very important reason is included presented by the atheists for rejecting the religions. These people think that the believers believe in a religion or follow a religion without using their reasoning capabilities, but their beliefs seem to be based on their social and cultural influences on their childhood. Christians believe in Christianity just because they are born in Christian culture.

7-Religions Present very Horrible Attitude of God Towards Sinners

Religions Present very Horrible Attitude of God Towards Sinners

Another point of all religions, which is badly criticized by the modern man of this age, is that all religions present a very horrible attitude of God towards sinners. The religious text is full of the description of god's anger against those who try to go against the rules created by these gods. The events and incidents of punishments are very irritating for the modern man, that's why they do not want to believe in any religion.

8-There is No Evidence for God’s Existence 

There is No Evidence for God’s Existence

It is really a big problem of the people living in the age of remarkable technologies, that they want to get proof of everything. In the same way, these people also demand a strong proof or evidence of God from the religious person, but when they fail to satisfy them by providing them a solid proof of the existence of God, then the modern man reject the concept of the existence of God and like to be an atheist.

9-If God Created the Universe, Who created God? 

If God Created the Universe, Who created God?

That is one in every of the bigger abnormal arguments I’ve ever come upon. People WHO use this fee as some reasonably highbrow checkmate have definitely done not grasp what Christians perceive as ‘eternal.’ God is that the antecedent of all matters in the introduction and is eternal. If God had an author then His creator would be God. God is God exactly because of the actual fact He will not have an author. Therefore, this shows the result that God has another God WHO created He writes concerning His religion and controls all his deeds.

10- Opposite Perceptions 

Opposite Perceptions

Due to some opposite perception, typically in closely spiritual nations, being associate degree atheist doesn't recommend designedly disobeying God. We can't call that atheism is continuously is a nation, but is simplest a disbelief. Atheism is not directly connected to evolution or the large bang theory. However, several atheists, generally of us WHO need to require a glance at atheism and faith additionally, flip to technological ability, thus gaining associate degree hobby in such theories.
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