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Top 10 Causes Of Dandruff

1-Dry Skin

Dry Skin

There is no doubt a lot of causes of Dandruff but the main cause of the dandruff is the dry skin. It is observed that those people who have dry skin have more chances to get dandruff, usually during the winter season, the winter cold air and overheated rooms are common causes of flaking and itchy skin. Those people who have dandruff due to the dry skin usually tend to have many small flakes of dandruff.

2-Improper Brushing 

Improper Brushing

Another very important and common cause of dandruff is the "not enough hair brushing". It is observed that those people who do no use proper technique of brushing or avoid enough hair brushing, usually tend to get more dry particles on the skin of their head. If these dry particles are not removed with proper brushing then they get accumulated and can cause many other infections.

3. Problem of Yeast And Its Sensitivity 

Problem of Yeast And Its Sensitivity

On the number three, another very important cause of dandruff is included and that is the "The problem of Yeast and its sensitivity". Some people are very sensitive to yeast, that's why they try to avoid all those foods that contain yeast, but this sensitivity becomes a problem for them. During the winter season, the condition of such people is worse due to the lack of UVA and UVB rays.

4-Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis

The fourth most important and common cause of the dandruff is the "Seborrheic Dermatitis". It is basically a surface disorder which is the main cause of rashes and another severe itch, dandruff and many other infectious problems such as boils and redness. Seborrheic Dermatitis affects not only the skin of scalp but also many areas of the skin such as backs of ears, the eyebrows and the sides of the nose.

5-Not Enough Shampooing 

Not Enough Shampooing

Another very common and most important cause of dandruff is the habit of "Not Enough Shampooing". Many people think that extra oily and greasy skin of scalp is basically developed dandruff on your scalp. Those who do not shampoo enough they tend to get more oily and dead skin cells, and these cells cause dandruff. That's why you need to shampoo your hair to overcome this cause of dandruff.

6-Certain Skin Conditions 

Certain Skin Conditions

Although there are a great number of causes of dandruff but the most important and common cause of dandruff is to have a certain skin condition. There are many serious skin disorders such as Eczema and Psoriasis, that can cause serious problems on the surface of your head. Those people who are victims of such type of skin disorders usually tend to get dandruff more than other people.



On the number seven, there comes another most important and common cause of dandruff and that is the Malassezia. It is a fungus that basically feeds the excess of sebum and oil, under the normal circumstances and keeps your head healthy. But if you will not wash your head regularly and properly, then this fungus can be aggravated and also cause the dry particles. You should try to remove dirt and excess oil instead of removing this fungus.

8-Reaction To Hair Or Skin Care Products 

Reaction To Hair Or Skin Care Products

The eighth most important and common cause of dandruff is the "Reaction To Hair Or Skin Care Products". In this modern age there are a great number of products are available for the hair and skin care and usually, these products contain a lot of chemicals. That's why, those people who have very sensitive skins, usually react to these hair care products with the itchy, red and scaling scalp.

9-Improper Diet 

Improper Diet

Another very important and common cause of dandruff is the use of improper diet. It is true that improper diet is a major cause of creating a great number of internal and external problems. If your diet is not balanced and healthy, then you have to face various types of health related problems, including the skin problems. By taking unhealthy diet you can become the victim of skin disorders such psoriasis and other infections.

10-Stress Disorder 

Stress Disorder

In the last, I am going to share with you another most important and very common cause of dandruff and that is your stress disorder. Stress plays a major role in creating a great number of external and internal problems for you. According to experts, stress causes the abnormal secretions of the glands, which further lead to the problem of excess of toxins and sweat, that's why there is a link between stress and skin problems.

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