Internet is the biggest invention of 21 century. It reduces the distances among people and provides a medium to communicate with each other. It facilitates us with many ways, like we can get any kind of information that is physically located in different geographical areas in the world and internet has converted the world into a complete social village. It optimized the technology on a new level which results better functionality and performance of electronic things. Now a day’s all the online functions are being performed through internet facility in different fields.
The first commercial computer was introduced in 1953 by Charles Babbage in 1953. It was very huge in size and had reduced data storage capacity, functionality and performance but with the passage of time, its hardware part modified into well function and performance capability. Modern Computer can store billions of information and can process it in mille seconds and can give us different outputs. Now a day’s computer science technology is working on super computer that are used in Artificial Intelligence which will make our future bright.
Electricity concept was first given by a scientist named Benjamin Franklin in 1752 through his kite experiment. Later in mid-1800 an electrical bulb was invented which describe the light and electricity. Basically electricity is a stored form of energy and this energy is get through the conversion of other sources of energy such that coal, oil, natural gas etc. Now a day’s electricity is produced by turbines which are run by water and air pressure. Electricity is used in each and every place. For example homes, factories, scientific labs, nuclear operations etc.
It was a dream to fly like a bird in the sky but man had made that dream came true. The first successful airplane was invented by Wright Brothers in 1903 and they made their first flight of 852 feet in 59 seconds. After few years airplane was used publically and it was also used in World War 2. After mid-1900 the structure and efficiency of airplane was being improved continuously and it enhanced in its passenger caring capacity, speed and less fuel cost. Thus now a day’s there are different types of airplane regarding to the work that has been taken by it. For example passenger airplane, cargo airplane, fighter planes, Intelligence airplanes etc.
5- Transistor
Williom Shockley, Jhon Bardeen and Walter Brattin invented the first transistor in 16 December 1947 at Bell Laboratories. Transistor is basically a semiconductor device which was more efficient than vacuum tube. Vacuum tube was wasted a lot of energy in the form of heat. Transistor gave a new direction to electronics field. It was later used in integrated circuit and micro processors that are important parts of computer hardware and other electronic devices.
After the discovery of Uranium element, the nuclear power came into existence. Chemists performed atomic radiation, fission and fusion experiments that resulted huge amount of energy released from the reaction which is called nuclear energy. In 1900 the nuclear technology was transformed by the invention of nuclear weapons that were used in World War 2. Now nuclear technology is being used in medical field like x-rays and radiations technique are used to cure different diseases. In Factories nuclear technology is also being used in different instruments to achieve better products.
7- Penicillin
Penicillin was a first antibiotic which was discovered by a Scottish scientist named Alexander Fleming in 1928. This antibiotic was derived from Penicillum fungi. Penicillin is injected in a human body to prevent the harmful bacteria and other germs that cause dangerous disease. Penicillin prevents those germs from spreading in human body and also kills them. If penicillin was not discovered then most of human beings are still being died by minor diseases. So Penicillin was a first most important invention for better health in the medical history.
8- Telephone
Alexander Graham Bell was the first inventor of an electric telephone in 1876. The first telephone had a capability to transmit a clear voice from one place to another through a communication data cable. It has a transmitter and receiver which are used to convert human voice into digital signals and vice versa. Since 1930’s the Candlestick telephone was very famous which has a mouth piece and a receiver. Then rotary telephone came, which was famous since 1970’s. It has a dialer and the desired number is dialed by rotating the dialer numbers. Then Push button Telephone invented which has a dialing keypad with push buttons.
9- Paper
Ancient china was the first inventor of paper in 206BC-202AD. Before the invention of paper the information was written on other material which were more expensive like papyrus and palm leaves. But paper is made by wood and rags. These two raw materials are very common in existence and have a cheap price. So paper is now a good and effective alternative from old materials. Thousands of Tons paper is manufactured in huge factories, which is distributed to all over the world. Modern technology has improved the design and quality of paper regarding to human need.

10 - Wheel
Wheels have transformed our lives completely. First wheel was invented in 3500BC after which the source of transportation has completely evolved. Now a day’s we see that each and every vehicle has a major part wheel which helps them to move from one place to another. Wheel reduces friction between the vehicle and the earth and helps to move the vehicle with a small amount of force. Now factories have designed different styles, size and functionality of wheels which give different outcome according to the surface of surface and the vehicle type. Wheel has made long journeys possible.
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