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Top 10 Books That Will Change Your Life Completely

1-Holy Quran

Holy Quran

There is certainly no doubt in the superiority of Holy Quran. In Islam, it is considered the holiest book of the world and last book from Allah to His last Messenger Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). This book is not only for Muslims but for complete humanity, if we read the history, we would be amazed to see its remarkable influences on human's personality. If you recite the Holy Quran with great concentration then it will really cleanse your heart and give a feeling of satisfaction and comfort of soul, if you apply its teachings on yourself then you really can get all its benefits.

2-Conversations with God

Conversations with God

Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue is also included in the list of the most influential and famous books of the world. This great book is written by Neale Donald Walsch and as the title of the book shows it is in the form of dialogue. Conversations with God is basically a dialogue between author and God, the writer asks the questions as a representative of all human beings and God answers these questions. Regardless of any religion, any beliefs you may have this book is really an open challenge to change your lives and mentality after reading it.

3-Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

The third famous book which can really influence your life to a great extent is the Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience which is written by MihalyCsikszentmihalyi. In this great book, Mihaly has tried to reveal the facts about 'Optimal experience' through his investigations and tells us that we can make an experience full satisfying only when we are in the state of consciousness and this state is called flow. Only those people can experience deep creativity who know to channel this flow, by reading the book we can learn to activate this flow and can change our lives.

4-As a Man Thinketh

As a Man Thinketh

As a Man Thinketh is regarded as the fourth most famous and influential and it is written by great James Allen. As the title of the book shows, this book is completely about out thoughts and wishes which we want to get complete in our lives. This short, simple and classic book guides us how to travel the tiring journey from the fancy world of thought to the real world. The thoughts which come repeatedly in your mind are in fact the strong wishes which you want to fulfill in your lives, you should not ignore those wishes and through your action and hard work try to change them into reality.

5-Matnawiye Ma'nawī

Matnawiye Ma'nawī

The fifth most inspirational book that can really touch the soul of its reader is the MatnawiyeMa'nawīwhich is written by Maulana Rumi. This great collection is based on spiritual couplets and consists of six volumes, this great book is regarded as the "Quran in the Persian language" because of its influential wording. This book is not confined to just Muslims or a particular region, it has the message for all humanity and great teachings and views about love to God and Humanity which are beyond the typical sectarianism, so if a reader wants to get some spirituality then he should read MatnawiyeMa'nawī.

6-The Alchemist

The Alchemist written by Paulo Coelho comes on the number six in the list of the most influential and famous books. This book really has a quality to change the life and thinking of its reader and till now almost two million copies of The Alchemist are sold around the world. The Alchemist is about a stunning story of an Andalusian shepherd whose name was Santiago, this boy wants to get the treasures of the world. This beautiful story is written in simple language and easy to read, the reader learns from this great masterpiece of Paulo Coelho that how to turn the dreams in reality by facing the obstacles with courage.



Hamlet is a greatest poetic drama which is written by William Shakespeare. It is really a splendid masterpiece of Literature though its story is just like a story of typical revenge play. The hero hamlet wants to take the revenge of his father's murder from his uncle Claudius but the wording the presentation of inner conflicts of hero and cruelness of a beast-like person make it a great book which really shows the nature of human beings. You will yourselves in a dilemma just like Hamlet when he says "to be or not to be" and this book will also increase your sensitivity and you will feel a strange disgust against this world.

8-The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled

The eighth most inspirational and famous book is The Road Less Traveled which is written by M.Scott Peck. This book is a beautiful combination of spirituality and psychology and full of wisdom and insight which that's why this can be proved best guidance for those who want to get perfection in their personalities. The Road Less Traveled describes the human spiritual development in four different stages and also tells us how we can get self-realization. Its famous line "Problems call forth our courage and our wisdom; indeed, they create our courage and wisdom", is enough to bring change in your lives.

9-Minhajul Abideen

Minhajul Abideen

Another great influential and famous book which can really change your living style and thinking is Minhajul Abideen which is written by Imam Ghazali who is a great Muslim scholar. Although this book is a landmark for the Muslims and I suggest that all Muslims should read it to strengthen their love bond with Allah. But we can not confine it just to Muslims because it has a spiritual message based for almost every human being it tells us how we can get divine love. This book describes that how our eyes, ears, tongue and heart interfere in the way of our spirituality,after reading this no reader can be saved from its influences.

10-The History Of Love

The History Of Love

The History Of Love comes on the number ten in the list of the most influential and famous books of this modern age, it is written by Nicole Kraus. This book is basically included in the list of those novels which are most loved and read. The History Of Love describes a beautiful love story of Leo Gursky and a fourteen years old courageous girl named Alma. After reading this beautiful love story, you will never forget it and both these characters will remain on the front of your mind.

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