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Top 10 Amazing Facts About Spacesuits

1-Astronauts Have to Wear These Spacesuits Even Inside The Spacecraft 

Astronauts Have to Wear These Spacesuits Even Inside The Spacecraft

A space suit is, in fact, a special dress that is worn by astronauts in order to enable them to bear the harsh environment of vacuum or outer space but it is an amazing fact that astronauts have to wear these space suits even when they are inside the spacecraft during launching, landing and also during the connection process to a space station.

2-Spacesuits Are Completely Puncture Proof 

Spacesuits Are Completely Puncture Proof

The main function of the space suit is to give protection to the astronauts from every harmful thing of the space. There are tiny objects such as meteorites and space debris that are floating at very high speeds of more than 27,000 kilometers, around the astronauts in the space. Even the smallest object can be very harmful to the astronauts at that high speed, that's why these space suits are completely puncture proof.

3-Apollo Spacesuits Also Had Boots 

Apollo Spacesuits Also Had Boots

It is true that in the traditional sense, the space suits that are used for the spacewalks do not have any boots technically. But all of you know that the Appolo spacesuit that was worn by Neil Armstrong on the moon had boots, these boots were very tough soled boots because he had to walk on the very rough and hard surface.

4-Spacesuits Provide Protection From Radiation 

Spacesuits Provide Protection From Radiation

Another very interesting and important fact about the space suits is that they provide protection to the astronauts from radiation. Space suits are basically designed in order to save the astronauts from every kind of harmful solar radiation. Due to the magnetic field of the earth, all of us are protected from the harmful solar radiation attack.

5-Spacesuits Provide Pouches to Contain Bodily Waste 

Spacesuits Provide Pouches to Contain Bodily Waste

Just think about the situation that you are on a spacewalk and suddenly you need to go to the bathroom then what you will do in that situation. But do not worry, you will be amazed to know that a spacesuit also provides the pouches for the astronauts to contain the bodily waste so that the astronauts can remain there easily.

6-The Overall Volume of Spacesuit Should Remain, Constant 

The Overall Volume of Spacesuit Should Remain, Constant

The spacesuits are basically designed in this way that their overall volume should always remain constant because if the volume of the space suit cannot remain constant then the astronauts will have to face problem in moving their joints because the movements of joints are very exhausting work in the space.

7-The Spacesuits Provide an Intense Pressurized Environment

The Spacesuits Provide an Intense Pressurized Environment

A very important and essential function of the spacesuit is that it provides an intensely pressurized environment for the body of astronauts in order to stable their interior pressure and to stop them from inflating. The spacesuit basically contains a certain layer that is made of a rubber-like material, moreover, spacesuits also use pressurized oxygen.

8-Soviet SK-1 Was The First Spacesuit

Soviet SK-1 Was The First Spacesuit

The eighth interesting fact for you about the spacesuits is that the name of first space suit was the "Soviet SK-1". The first space suit was in fact designed by Russia and Yuri Gagarin was the first human being who had worn the space suit for the first time in 1961. The first spacesuits by NASA were worn by many astronauts of mercury program.

9-Without a Spacesuit, You Can Survive Just For 15 Seconds in Space 

Without a Spacesuit, You Can Survive Just For 15 Seconds in Space

It is true that it is very difficult to wear this irritating and heavy spacesuit but it is no doubt extremely essential for human beings to survive in the space without this spacesuit. You can survive just for fifteen seconds in the space without the spacesuit, the solar radiation will affect your body at once.

10-A spacesuit Is a Developed Form Of Flight Suit 

A spacesuit Is a Developed Form Of Flight Suit

In the last, I am going to share with you another very amazing and interesting fact about the spacesuit that it is basically evolved from the flight suits. Flight suits are used many years ago by the test pilots and the fighter pilots during their very high altitude flights.

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