1-Intense Anxiety in Social Situation
Although there are a great number of symptoms by which we can realize that we are suffering from social anxiety disorder. The main symptom of social anxiety is the feeling of extreme anxiety in a different social situation, social events are basically for creating a beauty and relaxation in our boring daily routine but when someone starts feeling uncomfortable and disturbance in a gathering then he is basically moving towards social anxiety.
2-Extreme Fear of Being Judged or Watched
On the number two, we will include another major symptom of social anxiety disorder that is the "Extreme Fear of Being Judged or Watched". When you feel uncomfortable before others and especially when someone is giving attention to you then a disturbing fear begins to tease then you should be aware of the fact that you are becoming the victim of social anxiety, due to this fear you cannot face others properly.
3-Fear Of Being Rejected or Humiliated
Another basic symptom by which you can realize that if you are suffering from this anxiety disorder of social anxiety is the "Fear Of Being Rejected or Humiliated". When you begin to avoid the social events and to face the people just because of the fear that you cannot move properly in the social gatherings or you will do something wrong because of that people will humiliate you and reject you badly, then you are basically going towards social anxiety.
4-Intense Worry Before an Upcoming Social Situation
It is true that there are a great number of causes and symptoms of social anxiety disorder or social phobia but one of the main symptoms is the "Intense worry before an upcoming social The situation". According to experts, if someone begins to feel tension and intense nervousness not during the social situations but also during the days, weeks or even months before a social The situation, then he is really suffering from the social anxiety disorder.
5-Avoiding Situations Where You Might be the Center of Attention
Although there are a great number of symptoms by which we can realize that we are suffering from social anxiety disorder and one of these major symptoms is when you begin to avoid the situations where you feel that you might be the center of attention. According to experts, that if a person begins to avoid to begin the conversation with a group of people or worry to face the stage then, in fact, he is the victim of the social anxiety.
6-Thinking Only About the Negative Aspects
On the number two, we will include another major symptom of social anxiety disorder that is the "Extreme Negative Thinking". Thinking and Imagination plays a key role in everyone's personality and in same way negative thinking or imagination are the basic steps leading towards the anxiety disorder of social phobia. When you begin to think only the dark side or negative aspects of everything and about everybody then you are becoming the victim of social anxiety.
7-Excessive Self-Consciousness
Another basic symptom by which you can realize that if you are suffering from this anxiety disorder of social anxiety is the "excessive self-consciousness". No doubt the Self-consciousness is really a positive point of personality but to be the extreme self-Consciousness is not a good sign for you. When you begin to analyze yourself every time especially after a social event and identify only your flaws and faults then you are going towards social anxiety.
8-Fast Heartbeat and Blushing
No doubt there are a great number of physical symptoms of this anxiety disorder and the main symptoms are the fast heartbeat and blushing. Although there come some romantic situations in everyone's life when the heart begins to beat fastly and face becomes red due to blushing, but when one feel all these symptoms in every social situation then there is something wrong for him because it shows his tension, nervousness and anxiety.
9-Feeling Nervousness in making Eye Contact
On the number nine, we will include another major symptom of social anxiety disorder that is the "Feeling Nervousness in making Eye Contact. Those people are considered very confident and smart who can face others and conversation with others by making eye contact. Eye contact is considered a key to get success especially in interviews and better communication. But if anyone tries to avoid the eye connection then he is suffering from social anxiety.
10-Trembling and Sweating
In the last, we will include very prominent physical symptoms by which everyone can realize that if he is suffering from the social anxiety disorder, that are the trembling legs, hands and the sweating body. There may be some situations such as seeing someone murdering etc, in which every normal man feel these physical symptoms, but the problem is that when you feel these physical conditions in every normal social situation.
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