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Top 10 Reasons Why People Love German Shepherd


German Shepherd Habits and Qualities

The German shepherd is a most intelligent dog. It can easily understand the teachings of its keeper. It is a fast learner and it can easily judge its surrounding. It observes the actions of its keeper and gives a very fast response. It knows that what it has to perform in the desired circumstances. So, we can say that German shepherd's intelligence is its most important trait and that's why people love it so much.


German Shepherd Habits and Qualities

The German shepherd is a very loyal dog. Once it succeeds in developing attachment with its keeper then it will show amazing loyalty with him throughout its life. Loyalty considers the most important trait of even a common dog breed, but we can see the climax of this loyalty in the German shepherd. It obeys each and every order and always ready to fulfill the task which has been ordered. So, its loyalty is another trait because of which people love it.

3-Emotional Bonding with Keeper

German Shepherd Habits and Qualities

The German shepherd has the capability to make an emotional bond with its keeper. It needs very much attention of its keeper. It is a very active and energetic dog. It loves to play and it demands the proper response from its keeper. Even it becomes anger when it sees something wrong to his keeper and it protects him even it has to lose his life. If you spend proper time with it daily then it will become your best friend and will never leave you.


German Shepherd Habits and Qualities

The German shepherd is a very active, energetic and full responsive dog. It loves gaming and is ready to perform tough tasks. Its mind has a capability to learn very fast. Games enhance its body health and good mental performance. You should play games with it on daily periods, like hide and seek it enhances its activeness and responsiveness. It has a very muscular and strong body muscles. Its body can absorb hard shocks and damages.

5-High Prey Drive Quality

German Shepherd Habits and Qualities

Every carnivorous animal has a natural trait of prey drive. Prey drive means that animal hunts another animal for its food need. The German shepherd has also very high prey drive characteristic, as a result it sometimes attempts to attack other animals and people. In this way, it can hurt other human beings. So people train the German shepherd in order to reduce its prey drive characteristic and enhance its playing habits.


German Shepherd Habits and Qualities

German shepherd dog is mostly used for herding purpose in the fields of Germany. Dogs are being trained for more than 100 years to protect the fields from other animals. People used German shepherd for herding their cattle in the field because it is very much energetic, intelligent and has good skills to direct the cattle to its destination. It can easily lead and cover up a cattle of more than 200 sheep alone.

7-Good Pet at Home

German Shepherd Habits and Qualities

German shepherd proves it that it is the best pet at home because it makes a very strong bond with its keeper and all the family members. It has a loving nature and it wants to play with you and to cheer you all the time. But it requires mental exercise that will make it fit to live in a family. Obedience classes and agility classes should be delivered so that it can become a better family pet.

8-Guard the Home

German Shepherd Habits and Qualities

The German shepherd is really a best guard if it is given a good training to protect anything then it proves itself an excellent guard. It has very strong smelling sense and through which it can easily detect the existence of any wrong thing in its surrounding. It has a very good vision even at night through which it can easily see the things in dark. It has a very loud and high barking voice and it alerts the keeper if it sees any unwanted person in the home.


German Shepherd Habits and Qualities

The Germanshepherd is a versatile dog. It has many different characteristic due to which it can adjust in any environment. It can survive even in very tough areas. Its versatility shows by its intelligence, fastness, energy, obedience, hunting, herding and cheering so on. That is why people took its services in different places like military uses German shepherd to uncover secret things. German shepherd proves its skills and abilities everywhere.


German Shepherd Habits and Qualities

The German shepherd is a very brave and courageous dog. It never fears of any kind of situation or environment. It is always ready to tackle any hurdle and to cross any obstacle. It is a challenging dog who loves to survive in tough circumstances. Its intelligence and mental abilities are also suitable for a hard environment. It can easily adjust itself according to the place. So, its courageousness is also a great trait that's why people love it.

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