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Top 10 Reason Why Lion is Called the King of the Forest

1-Physical appearance

Lion the King of the Forest 10 habits

Almost all civilizations of the world are of the view, the lion is the king of the jungle. This concept was given by ancient people and the major reason behind this concept was that Lion has a physical appearance which looks like a king, especially lion's prominent mane which is just like a crown of the king. It has a huge and powerful Roar which can be heard from 8km and keeps a terror on the forest.

2-Concept of Pride

Lion the King of the Forest 10 habits

Lions and their family live in groups. These groups are called as pride. Each pride contains up to 30 family members and has 1 male or up to 3 male lions and remaining Lionesses. Living in a pride, a lion heads its pride like a king. Lion protects its pride from another outsider Lions. It leads its territory like a true king and it proves this phrase that Lion is called as the king of the jungle.

3-Royal Look

Lion the King of the Forest 10 habits

Lion is considered as a sign of Royalty. Lion has a royal attitude. The physical look of Lion also reflects the image of Royalty. Its powerful muscular body and structure of face reflect strength and poverty. Its way of the walk is also like a king who has no fear of anything and has an attitude that he is the owner of its territory. It shows that Lion is the King of the jungle.

4-Live In Open

Lion the King of the Forest 10 habits

Another characteristic of the lion which displays its personality like a king is, Lion lives in open in the forest. It has no fear to hide from any other animal. It lives in open areas like in Savannah which has long grassy grounds. Each pride lives in an area of 20 to 30 km and Lion of the pride is the King of its land. If any other lion tries to enter in its area, then it protects its pride and land from other.

5-Symbol of Strength and Power

Lion the King of the Forest 10 habits

Most cultures consider lion as a symbol of strength and power. Lion has Strength and Power both that is why there is no other competitor who can challenge it in the fight except the other lion. Some European countries have chosen lion as their national animal just because of its two characteristics, power and strength. Examples of such countries are Bulgaria, Albania and the United Kingdom etc.


Lion the King of the Forest 10 habits

If anyone is given a symbol of bravery then he is called as Lion Hearted man. Because Lion Heart is a symbol of bravery, because it is considered that Lion is the only animal who has a brave heart. It lives its whole life with bravery and it has no fear to death. Lion never bows down its head in the fight even it accepts death. Thus, Lion is called as the king of the jungle who always fights with bravery against its enemy.

7-Concept of Rule

Lion the King of the Forest 10 habits

As King makes laws and rules for its country, the similarly lion also makes orders and rules for its pride. Pride has must to follow those rules. Lion gives the order to lionesses to feed the pride and lionesses obeys the order of lion. Thus lion has a characteristic of the king to rule its pride. It is amazing to see a beast making rules and forcing other members of its family to follow it, really it is a unique quality of lion.

8-Lion Takes Rest Like a King

Lion the King of the Forest 10 habits

Like a king, the lion also sleeps most of the time in the day. A lion sleeps up to 20 hours in a day that is why it has a king’s life. It saves its energy in the day by sleeping all the time while it preys at night. Lion's eyes are 6 times more sensitive to sunlight than humans, so it can easily see at night. In another word, the lion has three habits, eating, drinking and sleeping. That is why it is known as the King of the jungle.

9-Lion Protects its Land Like King

Lion the King of the Forest 10 habits

It is a natural fact that Strong thing tries to dominate on the week. The Same rule is applied in the jungle, a single lion tries to become the king of the pride and it fights with the other lions. The lion who wins the fight, it will become the new king of the pride and also captures its land. So each lion protects its pride from other animals just like a king who is ready to do everything to save his territory from enemies.

10-Lion is a Top Predator

Lion the King of the Forest 10 habits

Lion is a top predator in the savannah’s jungle. Lion hunts most of the animals of the jungle like zebra, buffalo, giraffes, hippos etc. Lion can also fell down animals that are bigger than it. Thus, Lion is considered as the top predator and it is dominant on all other animals of the jungle. If lion does not predate other animals then food chain of animals could not stand properly.

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