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Top 10 Reason Why We Hate Summer

1-Long and Endless Days

Solids Reasons Why I Don't Like Summer

The first reason because of which we hate summer is its too long and endless days. In the winter season we become the habitual of short days which pass before us in the twinkling of an eye. But the long days of summer look like huge mountains which almost forget to move further, so it is really difficult to pass the time during these boring and heated days in spite of busy and the tough schedule.

2-Nights are too short...so, Forget the Sleep

Solids Reasons Why I Don't Like Summer

The second reason for disliking the worst summer is that the nights are too short. After spending a mountain-like, long and tiring day, there is no peace at night because the nights are too short that we cannot get a sound sleep. We just remember the beautiful romantic nights of the winter season and then our disliking for the summer is more increased. So, one should forget the sleep during the summer season.

3-Heat and sunburning

Solids Reasons Why I Don't Like Summer

The heated world and sunburning all around us are the symbols and gifts of the summer season. Everything is ready to burn us with its heat, every solid thing becomes a Pan for us and every liquid is boiling. So, heat and sunburning are really unbearable that's why we hate the summer season so much. Sunburning directly affects our skin and makes our complexion extremely dark which is really a big shock for the beauty conscious people.

4-Uncontrollable Sweating

Solids Reasons Why I Don't Like Summer

The fourth main reason because of which we hate summer too much is the uncontrollable sweating. Sweating and summer season go together that is why we dislike the summer season. Sweating starts, even when you are doing nothing and even you, are in air-conditioned rooms but if you go out and start some walking or any other work then the sweating is uncontrollable. More you use the cold drinks to satisfy the thirst, more you will sweat.

5-Too Much Noise

Solids Reasons Why I Don't Like Summer

Constant noise is another reason because of which most of us hate the summer season too much. Calm, peace and silence all these luxuries are disappeared with the farewell of the sweet winter season and with the arrival of the summer season. Now there is the loud noise of fans at home huge noisy crowds can be seen everywhere and of many other machines which are used only in the summer season such as grass trimmers and lawn mowers.

6-Unbearable Smell Prevailing Everywhere

Solids Reasons Why I Don't Like Summer

In the summer season, almost everything is perspiring or sweating that is why unbearable smells are prevailing everywhere. Even the air smells just like a paper that wrapped the smelly fish in it, it is irritating to breathe in such smelly air. It is really painful to stand at the crowded places for even a few minutes, because there is a variety of bad smells, coming out from the stinky persons who always forget to put on deodorant.

7-Rage, Anger and Fighting for Nothing

Solids Reasons Why I Don't Like Summer

Another reason because of which we hate the summer season very much is that everybody seems in rage and anger. We can say that the tempers of the people go up instantly as the temperature of weather goes up. So, there is the pedestrian rage, road rage, stroller rage, road rage and lots of fighting for nothing. The romance, love, laughter and every charm is disappeared and our brains are heated just like the heated weather.

8-Attack of the Armies of Mosquitoes and Insects

Solids Reasons Why I Don't Like Summer

The greatest reason because of which everyone dislikes the summer season too much is the arrival of Mosquitoes and a large number of small insects. We can say that the big armies of these heinous and irritating creatures are ready to attack us with the arrival of the summer season. All of our weapons to kill them or to prevent ourselves from their attack are completely failed and we have to suffer badly.

9- Season of Weddings....Really Disturbing

Solids Reasons Why I Don't Like Summer

The summer season is considered the season of weddings, That is why those who are at home with solitude hate the summer season. So, we are invited to a great number of weddings and for attending these wedding parties we have to spend a lot to buy new dresses, new shoes, giftsfor hosts and on the traveling to the event place. In this way, summer season causes of our empty pockets and also the waste of time.

10- Summer Vacation...Kids are Everywhere to End up Your Peace and Calm

Solids Reasons Why I Don't Like Summer

It is said that the summer season is the favorite season of the kids because it is one and only season which bless them with the complete three month's vacation. Kids want to enjoy the every moment of the summer vacation, but their enjoyment really becomes a headache for us. We can see the shrieking, screaming and playing kids everywhere, these kids are not ready to do any compromise, so we have to bear these naughty kids with the hateful summer.

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