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Top 10 Computer Programming Languages


Top 10 Programming  languages that every software should know

Java is considered the most popular computer programming language of 2015. Java is basically a programming language which is used for general purposes and it is object-oriented, concurrent and also class-based that's why it has all three qualities of a good programming language. In fact, Java brought a revolution in software engineering, now application developers can run a single Java compiled code everywhere on all platforms without recompiling it. Java is appeared in 1995 developed by Sun Microsystems.

2- C

Top 10 Programming  languages that every software should know

C is considered the second most popular computer programming language of 2015. C is also a general-purpose language and is used to support the lexical variable scope and structured programming. Different constructs are provided by C language that depict clearly all the machine language, that's why it has become an integral part of various applications which are used in assembly language, operating systems and also in application software. Between 1969 and 1973 C was released by Dennis Ritchi and T Bell Labs.

3- C++

Top 10 Programming  languages that every software should know

C++ is also included in the list of most wildely used computer programming languages of 2015. C++ is also a general-purpose language and its programming features are generic and object-oriented. C++ is basically provided for low memory manipulation and it was considered a developed form of C language and released in 1979 by Bell Labs and Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ was designed, especially for system programming but it is also useful in other applications such as; desktop applications, SQL servers and telephone switches etc.

4- PHP

Top 10 Programming  languages that every software should know

PHP comes on number four in the list of most widely used computer programming languages of 2015. PHP is regarded as the backbone of a great number of modern content management systems like WordPress. This server-side scripting language is considered the most important tool for building present-day web applications. PHP is basically released for web development in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf and till 2013, PHP was used in almost 2.1 million web servers and over 240 million websites.

5- Visual Basic

Top 10 Programming  languages that every software should know

Visual Basic or VB is considered the fifth most popular computer programming language of 2015. This third-generation event driven programming language was first appeared 24 years ago in 1991. Visual Basic is designed by "Microsoft Corporation" and it is considered the easiest language to use and learn. VB was derived basically from BASIC and through it RAD of graphical user interface applications is able to get access to database by the use of ActiveX Data Objects and Data Access Objects.

6- Python

Top 10 Programming  languages that every software should know

Python is also included in the list of most widely used computer programming languages of 2015. This high-level programming language is just like Visual Basic was first released 24 years ago in 1991. Python is created by a Dutch computer programmer Guido van Rossum and its developer is Python Software Foundation. This general-purpose language is for supporting the multi programming paradigms and its automatic memory management, large standard library and dynamic type system are included in its major attributes.

7- C#

Top 10 Programming  languages that every software should know

C# or C Sharp is considered the seventh most popular computer programming language of present-day. C# is also included among the multiple paradigm programming languages and it includes functional, imperative, object-oriented, strong typing and generic programming disciplines. Its structure and nature are very similar to Java's structure and nature. C# was first released fifteen years ago in 2000 and it was written and developed "Microsoft". Although it is very fast and powerful language but it is only suitable for Windows.

8- JavaScript

Top 10 Programming  languages that every software should know

JavaScript comes on number eight in the list of most widely used computer programming languages of present-day. Just like other famous languages, JavaScript is also a multiple paradigms programming language and it is helpful all kinds of functional, imperative and object-oriented styles. This high-level and untyped programming language is written by Brendan Eich and first released 22 years ago on May 1995. It is only used in web browser and although its name is JavaScript but in fact it has nothing to do with it.

9- Perl

Top 10 Programming  languages that every software should know

Perl is also considered one of the most popular computer programming languages of 2015. It is considered a general purpose and high-level dynamic programming language and Perl 5 and Perl 6 are new versions of it. Perl was basically designed and then developed by Larry Wall who is an American computer programmer. It is first appeared in 1987 and it was developed to make easier the report processing and till now it is considered the best language both for system administration and text processing.

10- Ruby

Top 10 Programming  languages that every software should know

Ruby comes on number ten in the list of most widely used computer programming languages of 2015. This most object-oriented language was created and developed by Yukihiro Martz Matsumoto who is a computer scientist and computer programmer of Japan. Ruby was first released twenty years ago in 1995, and it is also included in multi-paradigm programming languages. Ruby has many characteristics of Eiffel, Lisp, Perl and Ada and the only weakness of Ruby is its extra love of being an object-oriented and this becomes the cause of its slow speed.
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