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Top 10 Lies Of Men To their Girlfriends and wives

1-You are my First and Last Love

Top Ten Lies Of Men To their Girlfriends and wives

The very first lie which is used by boys to their girlfriends in the early days of their relationship is that "You are my first and last love". it is not only a lie but also a big joke in this fast age of social media, but the girls are usually so silly that they are ready to believe this greatest lie of guys. By telling this lie, actually boys want to impress the girls and also want to conceal all records of their past romances.

2-None is Pretty Like You in this World

Top Ten Lies Of Men To their Girlfriends and wives

The most beautiful lie which is used very fantastically by guys to their girlfriends is that "None is pretty like you in this world". It is really very romantic and beautiful sentence for entrapping the innocent girls. Boys use this lie wildly, especially when they are at some picnic points with their girlfriend and there are a lot of girls in surrounding, then they have to use this sentence continuously just to satisfy their sweet hearts.

3-You are the Center of all My Thoughts and Dreams

Top Ten Lies Of Men To their Girlfriends and wives

Another beautiful lie used by guys to their girlfriends is that "You are the center of all my thoughts and dreams. It is fantastic sentence to show their intensity of love to their girlfriends and widely used by boys. We can also say that this particular sentence is most ironic sentence because when the boys are using this there are commonly the faces of a lot of girls are revolving in the sweet record of their memories.

4-I am Ready to Fight with Whole World Just for You

Top Ten Lies Of Men To their Girlfriends and wives

Another lie used by boys very commonly to their girlfriends is that "I am ready to fight with whole world just for you". The boys use this lie to win the hearts of their sweet hearts specially, when the girls are girls are discussing about the boy's parents expected refusal to accept them as their daughter-in-law. But the boys use this sentence just to enhance the emotional attachment but there is no truth in it, so be aware dear girls!!!.

5-I can't see Tears in Your Beautiful Eyes

Top Ten Lies Of Men To their Girlfriends and wives

"I can't see tears in your beautiful eyes" is another beautiful lie used variously by boys to their girlfriends. Boys use this sentence to entrap the silly, soft-hearted girls, but it is really funny that this sentence is commonly used by boys when the girls are weeping just because of the rude behavior of these boys. After hurting their girlfriends themselves, the boys use this lie very confidently but the girls believe this very amazingly.

6-Dear, I am with my Friends

Top Ten Lies Of Men To their Girlfriends and wives

An unbearable lie which is used by boys to their girlfriends is that "Dear, I am with my friends". Boys use this lie so commonly that usually girls are not ready to believe on this lie of boys, even the boys try their best to satisfy them. This sentence is used by boys just because they want to conceal their other affairs form their girlfriends and by using this lie they actually want to prevent themselves from expected fights.

7-I will be with You just in Two Minutes

Top Ten Lies Of Men To their Girlfriends and wives

It is really difficult for boys to do anything properly at proper time in proper way, the reason behind is that they are always late, in fact they are a bit lazy in this matter. To conceal their great defect they have to use some lies to their girlfriends. They use frequently the sentences like that "I will be with you just in two minutes" at the moment when their girlfriends are waiting for them for more than half hour and they are still in their homes.

8-I can't Live without You

Top Ten Lies Of Men To their Girlfriends and wives

Just imagine how funny situation is that, a boy sitting in his luxurious bedroom, enjoying tea and macroons, watching some horror movie interestingly, but with all these things saying to his girlfriend on call that "I can't live without you". This is another greatest lie used by boys just to do fool their girlfriends, but surprisingly, girls are ready to accept even this lie while they also know well that on one can stop living without any one.

9-You are Looking very Cute in this Dress, Hairstyle etc

Top Ten Lies Of Men To their Girlfriends and wives

Actually, the boys have to use this type of lies just to prevent themselves from the uncontrollable anger of their girlfriends. When the girls pay some extra attention to their looks or wear some unique and new dress or they change their hairstyle just for the sake of their lovers, then in fact that day they are in mood of receiving a lot of admiration and appreciation from their boyfriends, so boys are forced to lie such as, "You are looking very cute in this dress, hairstyle etc.."

10-I Belong to a very Rich Family

Top Ten Lies Of Men To their Girlfriends and wives

In fact girls are very much interested in boys belonging to wealthy families, that's why boys have to cover their faces with the masks of such type of fantastic lies like that, "I belong to a very rich family" or “i am working at a high post in a famous company". But commonly, there is no fact in such type of lies, a boy tells his girlfriend that he is working as manager in office but in fact he is a clerk in that office. But for the proof of this lie boys have to face many difficulties.

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