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Top 10 Sad Facts About Holocaust

1-Zyklon B. Pellets Was Used in Gas Chambers

Zyklon B. Pellets Was Used in Gas Chambers

There are a great number of horrifying and sad facts about the holocaust, at the start of this holocaust, the carbon monoxide was released in the gas chambers. But after the creation of Zyklon B. Pellets, the toxic gas releasing from the Zyklon B. Pellets was dropped into the gas chambers instead of carbon monoxide, because this toxic gas could not only kill the people but also, cause immense pain before death.

2-33,000 People Were Murdered at Babi Yar Ravine in Two Days 

33,000 People Were Murdered at Babi Yar Ravine in Two Days

Another horrifying and very sad fact about the holocaust is that more than 33,000 People Were Murdered at Babi Yar Ravine in just 48 hours. This extremely horrific and tragic event took place at the "Babi Yar Ravine", that is located outside of Ukraine. The Jews were forced by the German troops to undress and then walk over to the edge of the Babi Yar Ravine. German troops shot them one by one and their dead bodies fell down off of this edge.

3-Children were The Main Targets 

Children were The Main Targets

One of the saddest and horrifying fact about the holocaust is that Nazis or German troops wanted to kill especially children. The little, innocent kids were the main targets of these Nazis because they knew the fact that if they would keep the children alive, then they would spark a new generation of hateful Jews in future. Nazis murdered more than one million children recklessly in the holocaust.

4-Transportation was a Big Issue 

Transportation was a Big Issue

The fourth sad fact is about the reckless transportation of Jews from their specific living places to labor or death camps. The victims of the holocaust were transported through the cattle wagons, that were devoid of all basic necessities such as water, food and toilet. This horrific transportation sometimes took longer than a week, victims had to stand in a very miserable condition and many people died during this transportation.

5-The Night of Broken Glass 

The Night of Broken Glass

Among the major horrific and inhumane events, the "Kristallnacht" which is also known as "The Night of Broken Glass". The Nazis attacked the Jewish communities throughout Germany and Austria on 09 November 1938. The main purpose of Nazis on that night was to burn and destroy the businesses and synagogues of Jews. The Nazis destroyed more than 1,000 synagogues and 7,000 businesses of Jews and killed and arrested a great number of Jews.

6-The Victims Were Tricked by Other Victims

The Victims Were Tricked by Other Victims

Different horrific ways are used to murder the Jews in this holocaust, the victims were brought in the gas chambers or death chambers by saying that they were being washed. The victims were tricked in order to get them to go into the gas chambers, the guards used to form a "Special Detachment Team” which is based on other Jewish prisoners, this team of victims used to keep the people calm and convince them to go into gas chambers.

7-Horrible Experiments were Performed on Victims 

Horrible Experiments were Performed on Victims

Another horrifying and very sad fact about the holocaust is that very horrible experiments were performed on Victims in this holocaust. Dr. Josef Mengele had performed a great number of experiments on the Jews prisoners who were in the horrific death camps. He was interested in the study of genes that's why he did these experiments especially on twins, he made victims of his experiments more than 3,000 sets of twins.

8-Horrific Trample in Gas Chambers 

Horrific Trample in Gas Chambers

One of the saddest and horrifying fact about the holocaust is that there are horrific tramples in gas Chambers. In those death chambers, the gas rose from the bottom to top so that all the victims would try to reach the top frantically just to take breathe. As a result, all victims trampling over each other, the strongest trampled the weakest just to take breathe and used to create a great pile of dead bodies.

9-Jews Refugees Had Nowhere to Go 

Jews Refugees Had Nowhere to Go

Human beings without humanity and humane feelings are no doubt worst than beasts and this fact is proved in the holocaust. After the announcement of strict and violent actions against Jewish refugees by Hitler, almost thirty-two countries had discussed the crisis of Jewish refugees. Great Britain, Australians, and Canada had refused to accept these refugees. Only the Dominican Republic offered help only to 100,000 Jews.

10-France, Greece, Poland, and Ukraine Helped the Holocaust 

France, Greece, Poland, and Ukraine Helped the Holocaust

The tenth sad fact about the holocaust is that not only Germany but France, Greece, Poland, Ukraine and many other countries were actively involved in killing Jews in the Holocaust. Although there are a great number of people even in Germany who are against this awful crime of holocaust but they are forced by German troops to support them in the holocaust.

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