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Top 10 Reasons Why Do People Sleepwalking

1-Sleep Deprivation

Sleep Deprivation

Sleepwalking is one of the major sleep disorders in which the people begin to walk while they are asleep. Although there are a great number of reasons behind this disorder but the main cause of sleepwalking is sleep deprivation. In this modern age when we are getting benefits from a great number of technologies, we are also losing many beneficial things such as proper sleep. Especially our adults love to sleep the late night and this sleep deprivation becomes the cause of many disorders.

2-Delay in Maturation  

Delay in Maturation

On number two, there comes another very important cause of sleepwalking that is a sleep disorder. It is true that mostly our children suffer from this sleep disorder, the reason behind this fact is the delay in maturation. According to several experts, that the development of this sleep disorder in children is due to the delay in maturation. It is noted that up to seventeen years of age somnambulists or sleep walking is increased because of the immaturity of the nervous system.

3- Genetic Factors 

Genetic Factors

In the list of the top ten reasons of sleepwalking or somnambulists, the genetic factor is also included. Because many experts theorize this fact that genetics is one of the major causes of this sleep disorder. The percentage of sleepwalking in childhood increases almost to 60% if both parents were affected and it increases to 45% if only one parent was affected, so we can say that sleepwalking or somnambulists may be inherited from the parents to children.

4-Use of Neuroleptics Hypnotics and Antihistamines

Use of Neuroleptics Hypnotics and Antihistamines

Another most important reason of sleepwalking or somnambulists is the use of drugs such as Neuroleptics, hypnotics and antihistamines. Neuroleptics are usually used to treat the serious psychological problems, hypnotics are used to promote the sleep or relaxation while the antihistamines are used to treat the symptoms of allergy. According to the experts, these drugs are beneficial during the treatment but all these drugs are causes of the development of sleepwalking.

5-Alcohol and Drug Consumption  

Alcohol and Drug Consumption

Although there are a great number of reasons behind this disorder but the fifth main cause of sleepwalking is the Alcohol and Drug Consumption. Although alcohol and other drugs are sedative to a great extent and they commonly put a person to sleep but that sleep is quite different from the natural sleep. So drinking creates not only the-the sleep quality issues but with the use of alcohol the risk of sleep walking or somnambulists is increased to a great extent.

6-Emotional or Physical Stress

Emotional or Physical Stress

On number six, there comes in our discussion another very important cause of sleepwalking or somnambulists that is "emotional or physical stress". stress is always harmful to our health no matter whether it is emotional or it is physical, so excessive tiredness and overload of work causes the physical stress and increase the sleepwalking and, in the same way, emotional stress, fear and depression are also the causes of this sleep disorder, so you should be careful.

7-Obstructive Sleep Apnea 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

In the list of the top ten reasons of sleepwalking or somnambulists, the factor of "Obstructive Sleep Apnea" is also included. It is the most common Apnea which is very harmful and can effect even your life, Apnea is basically a 'cessation of breath' and if you are suffered from the Obstructive Sleep Apnea, you may feel problems in breathing or even stop breathing when you are asleep and this dangerous state mostly occurs during night sleep and can be harmful to you.

8-Psychological Disorders 

Psychological Disorders

Another most important reason of sleepwalking or somnambulists which is included in our list is the "Psychological Disorders. According to some experts, mostly the adults suffer from this sleep disorder due to the Psychological Disorders. A recent study suggests that a great number of adult sleepwalkers are basically found the victims of serious Psychological Disorders such as hysteria, anxiety neuroses and deadly disease of migraine headaches.



Although there are a great number of reasons behind this disorder but the ninth main cause of sleepwalking or somnambulists is the fever. Physical stress or any kind of illness, especially the fever causes the development of this sleep disorder, especially in the children. Fever affects not only the body but also the mind and one feels excessive tiredness and drowsiness, that's why he cannot sleep a comfortably and begins to walk during sleep.

10-Uncomfortable Places or Conditions 

Uncomfortable Places or Conditions

In the last, there comes in our discussion another very important cause of sleepwalking or somnambulists that is "Uncomfortable Places or Conditions". If you want to be healthy and fit then you should start to take a proper and comfortable sleep, for a comfortable sleep, the place where you want to sleep should be comfortable without any noise and extra lights. Because according to experts, sleeping in the unknown surroundings, noise and very bright lights may cause the sleepwalking.

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