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Top 10 Question For Job Interview

1-Tell Me About Yourself

Tell Me About Yourself

The main question which is frequently asked by almost every interviewer from the interviewee is that "tell me about yourself". The interviewer usually ask this specific question to know briefly about the interviewee and this is the most important question by which an interviewer can easily judge the abilities of a candidate. In the answer the interviewee should give some personal then academic and some professional information within 2 to 3 minutes.

2-What are your strengths?

What are your strengths?

Another very common question which is frequently asked by an interviewer from the interviewee is that "What are your strengths?". The reason behind this question is that interviewer want to judge you with your own point of view. The interviewer wants to see that whether the interviewee is true and right in telling about his strengths or he just wants to impress the interviewer by exaggerating and telling lie about his strengths.

3-What are Your Weaknesses?

What are Your Weaknesses?

The most dreaded sitaution is created when an interviewee is asked by an interviewer that "What are your weaknesses?". The interviewer wants to know about the weak points of a candidate by himself and it is really very difficult to express your weakness on that person whom you want to impress. But if an interviewee is smart and intelligent then he can impress the interview panel even by expressing his weaknesss and can get his goal easily.

4-Why Should We Hire You?

Why Should We Hire You?

Another most important and somewhat confusing question which is frequently asked by an interviewer from an interviewee is that "Why should we hire you?". The interviewer wants to know that what is special thing in the candidate that he shuould hire this candidate by rejecting all others. So, an interviewer raises this question to know about the abilities, qualities and experiences of an interviewee which can distinguish him from other candidates.

5-Why Do You Want to Work Here?

Why Do You Want to Work Here?

By asking the question that "Why Do You Want to Work Here?, the hiring manager or interviewer simply wants to know about the knowledge and concern of an interviewee about that specific company or institute. Absolutely there are always a lot of companies and institutes which offer a wide range of opportunities for an interviewee but there are many reasons because of which he selects a specific company for him, the interviewer wants to know those reasons.

6-Why Are You Leaving or Have Left Your Job?

Why Are You Leaving or Have Left Your Job?

Another question which is frequently asked by a hiring manager or an interviewer from an interviewee is that "Why are you leaving or have left your job?". The reason behind this question is that an interviewer wants to know about those facts or situations on which the candidate cannot compromise and he is ready even to leave or has left his previous job. so, this question is very important in judging the interviewee that in which conditions he will not stand with company.

7- How Do You Handle Pressure and Stress?

 How Do You Handle Pressure and Stress?

A hiring manager or an interviewer frquently asks the question form an interviewee that "How do you handle stress and pressure?". By asking this type of question an interviewer wants to judge a candidate psychologically and also his mental power to handle a difficult and an unnatural situation. Tragedies and mishappenings are the part of life so a worker should have the skills and abilities to handle these situations, that's he is asked this type of questions.

8-Where Do You See Yourself In Next 5 Years?

Where Do You See Yourself In Next 5 Years?

Another most important question which is frequently asked by an interviewer from a job-seeker is that "Where Do You See Yourself In next 5 Years?". Apparently this seems a very simple question but infact it is really difficult and deep question. By asking such type of questions a hiring manager or an interviewer wants to judge your personality and want to know about the goals which you want to achieve in your future life.

9- What Are Your Salary Expectations?

What Are Your Salary Expectations?

A job-seeker or an interviewee should also prepare himself for the question which has become a crucial question of every interview. An interviewer thinks it necessary to ask the question that "What are your salary expectations? " from an interviewee. By asking such type of questions an interviewer or a hiring manager wants to know the salary expectations to analyse that whether his company affords the salary package according to candidate's expectations or not.

10- Have You any Questions for Me?

Have You any Questions for Me?

The last but very important question which is frequently asked by an interviewer from an interviewee is that "Have you any questions for me?". The job-seekers should prepare themselves for this question because it is usually a last chance for an interviewee to impress the interview panel. By asking this type of questions an interviewer wants to know about the interest, excitement and curiosity of an interviewee about the company.

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