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Top 10 Diet for Heart Patients

1-Whole Grains

Whole Grains

Whole Grains such as cereals, bread and especially oatmeal are considered an important part of healthy diet for heart patients. Whole grains basically contain phytosterols, antioxidants, and phytoestrogens that play an effective role against coronary disease. Oatmeal and other grains are high in soluble fiber which is very helpful in reducing the cholesterol level, in fact, oatmeal soaks up the extra cholesterol from the body just like a sponge.



In all dairy products, yogurt is considered the only thing which is good for the heart patients. The addition of yogurt to your daily diet is very beneficial for you, it keeps your bones strong. Although it is advised to heart patients to avoid strictly all dairy products because they are full of fat and cholesterol but yogurt benefit the heart, it lowers the risk of heart attack, it contains probiotic bacteria which prevents from the gum disease.



Fish is regarded as the third most important diet for heart patients. New researches have proved that if heart patients are ready to include the fish, at least, two times in their weekly diet plan, then the risk of dying of heart attack will be reduced. According to the "American Heart Association", heart patients should eat fish which is rich in the unsaturated fats, known as omega-3 fatty acids twice a week, it will reduce the chances of severe heart attack and benefit the heart.



Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and others come on the number four in the list of the top 10 diets for heart patients. Nuts are considered an important part of a healthy diet, they are really a good snack food, easy to pack and store and also very inexpensive. Nuts basically contain those nutrients which are healthy for heart, such as unsaturated fats, Omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamin E, L-arginine, plant sterols and almost all nuts are packed with protein.

5-Olive Oil

Olive Oil

Nutritions consider olive oil one of the most important and powerful diets for the heart patients. Olive oil is basically rich in monounsaturated fats, which decreases artery-clogging lipid's levels that's why it is very helpful in reducing the risk of heart attack and other heart diseases. Moreover, olive oil is also rich in polyphenols,that are very beneficial antioxidants and considered very helpful in maintaining your health and keeping the heart strong.



Beans such as kidney beans, pintos, chickpeas, lentils, and garbanzos are also considered the important part of a healthy diet. Those who are habitual of eating beans daily remains fit and healthy, the addition of beans is really good for the heart.Nutritions suggest, at least, half cup of cooked beans for heart patients, a recent research proves that even a little amount of beans can lower the level of cholesterol and benefit the heart.



Berries such as blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, all are considered very helpful in boosting your heart health. The addition of a moderate amount of berries in your diet may reduce your blood pressure and also increase HDL, means good cholesterol. Berries are considered the rich source of polyphenols, that are very beneficial antioxidants and considered very helpful in maintaining your health and keeping the heart strong.

8-Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables plays an important part in the health of your heart. According to nutritions, fruits and vegetables are packed with fiber, minerals, vitamins and are very low in calories and fat. The addition of fruits and vegetables in your diet plan may reduce your blood pressure and also decrease your weight. The " American Heart Association " suggests eating, at least, eight vegetable and fruit servings daily for everyone.

9-Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate comes on the number nine in the list of the top ten diets for heart patients. Dark chocolate is in fact loaded or packed with nutrients that are really very beneficial for your health and especially positively affect the health of your heart. Dark chocolate is made from the cocoa tree's seed which is considered one of the rich sources of antioxidants that can lower the risk of heart attack and can improve your health.



Cardiovascular fitness is very necessary to live a healthy life but the high amount of cholesterol creates the unnecessary blood clots which are the greatest cause of heart attack and stroke. Tea enhances our cardiovascular endurance to a great extent because it has the quality to keep the arteries clog-free and smooth. In this way, tea reduces the risk of fatal heart attack in a person who is habitual of drinking tea at least 2 or three cups in a day.

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