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Top 10 Diet for Cancer Patients

1-Whole Grains

Whole Grains

Whole Grains such as cereals, bread, and especially oatmeal are considered an important part of healthy diet for cancer patients. Whole grains basically contain phytosterols, antioxidants, lignans and phytoestrogens that play an effective role against coronary disease. Oatmeal and other grains are high in soluble fiber, minerals and vitamins which are very helpful in reducing the cancer risk, in fact, oatmeal soaks up the extra cholesterol from the body just like a sponge and decreases the risk of developing cancer.



Fish is regarded as the second most important diet for cancer patients. New researchers have proved that fish reduces levels of colon, breast and prostate cancer, it contains vitamin A and vitamin D which are known cancer-fighter. The cancer patients should eat fish like salmon, mackerel and shark which is rich in the unsaturated fats, known as omega-3 fatty acids and free from harmful methyl-mercury.



Beans such as kidney beans, pintos, chickpeas, lentils, and garbanzos are rich sources of fiber, calcium, folate, zinc and iron and considered the important part of a healthy diet. Those who are habitual of eating beans daily remains fit and healthy, the addition of beans is really good for heart patients and cancer patients. Dietitians suggest, at least, half cup of cooked beans is necessary for you, even a little amount of beans preventsfrom hemorrhoids, lowers the level of cholesterol and protects against cancer.



Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and others come on the number four in the list of the top 10 diets for cancer patients. Nuts are considered an important part of a healthy diet, they are really a good snack food, easy to pack and store and also very inexpensive. Nuts basically contain those nutrients which are necessary for you such as unsaturated fats, Omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamin E, L-arginine and especially provide you selenium which is a powerful anti-cancer diet.

5-Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous Vegetables

The Cruciferous vegetables are those vegetables which belong to cabbage family such as cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage, are also regarded as an important part of healthy diet. New researches have shown results in favor of Cruciferous vegetables, that these vegetables contain those components that are helpful in protecting from those free radicals which can easily damage the DNA of cells and also protect you from those chemicals that become the reason of cancer.

6-Leafy and Dark Green Vegetables

Leafy and Dark Green Vegetables

Eating fresh Leafy and dark green vegetables plays an important part in the health of cancer patients. According to dietitians, these leafy and dark green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, asparagus, swiss chard, collards, turnip greens, and others are packed with fiber, vitamins A, C, potassium and calcium, most important folate and many other nutrients which are very necessary for you in fighting against cancer.



Berries such as blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, all are considered very helpful in boosting your health. The addition of a moderate amount of berries in your diet may prevent you from the breast, prostate, oral and colon cancer. Berries are considered the rich source of polyphenols, that are very beneficial antioxidants and helpful in creating apoptosis which is a process of creating fine cells and damaging the abnormal cells.



Garlic comes on the number eight in the list of the top ten best diets for cancer patients. This wonderful vegetable can stop the growth of tumor in a great number of ways, such as by the stoppage of blood supply for cancer. Recent researches have proved that those who are habitual of eating garlic remained safe from various types of cancer. The active ingredients such as allicin, tryptophan and selenium make garlic an anti-cancer diet.



Turmeric, a spice which basically belongs to the ginger family is considered one of the most important diet for the cancer patients. This yellow-orange Asian food contains curcumin which plays a very important role against cancer, this curcumin can easily stop cancer at its very initial stage. The recent researches have shown that cancer is not common in those countries where the people are habitual of eating turmeric almost 200 mg daily.



The great benefit of tea is that its antioxidants are really very beneficial for giving us protection against a boatload of cancers. Cancer is really a fatal disease but the tea-drinkers should not be worried about it because the black tea and green tea both have naturally a lot of polyphenols which can fight against almost every type of cancers such as lung, stomach, breast, liver, skin and oral cancers.

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