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TOP 10 Strongest Armies in the World

1-Pakistan Army

Pakistan Army strength and budget

Pakistan Army is considered the strongest and best army of the world. Many will disagree with number one position of Pakistan Army but if we see the history of this army then we have to admit its No#1 position. It is true that Pakistan Army is not regarded as the best army on the basis of equipment and man power, but it is the strongest army on the basis of its devotion, bravery and spirit. The USA rightly claimed that no doubt they can conquer the whole world if they use their own advanced weapons and spirit of Pakistan Army. Pakistan Army has defeated Indian Army three times with its shortage of equipment and man power.

2-United States Army

United States Army strength and budget

United States Army comes on number two in the list of strongest armies in the world. US Army is considered the best army due to several reasons. First is that they have the biggest military budget that is more than $689,591,000,000. Secondly, US Army has most advanced and superb technology, they have lots of money to spend on buying every advanced weapon and they also have been introducing new lethal equipment that have the capacity to destroy and crush anyone. Thirdly, United States Army has a great experience and knowledge of war because they fought and won a great number of wars.

3-People's Liberation Army of China

People's Liberation Army of China strength and budget

The People's Liberation Army of China is considered the third strongest army in the world. Having an active personnel of 2,285,000, it is also considered the largest army of the world. So, we can say that with this strongest man power, People's Liberation Army of China can crush everyone. Although Chinese Army has less military budget then US Army, it does not have any strong experience and it also does not have an advanced military infrastructure like the USA, but it can defeat even US Army just because of its number and military power.

4-Indian Army

Indian Army strength and budget

Indian Army is considered the fourth strongest and best army of the world. Indians are considered the worst enemies in the world because they are ready even to sacrifice themselves just to destroy their enemy. The military budget of Indian Army is more than $44,282,000,000, which is enough to buy a superior and advanced technology. Being a second most populous country, India has a fourth largest army, it has an active personnel of 1,129,900 in order to keep its enemy in terror.

5-Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation strength and budget

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation comes on number five in the list of strongest armies of the world. Established on 7 May 1992, Russian armed forces are considered now powerful and dangerous, ready to crush any great military power. Russian armed forces are considered the most undefeated forces on the planet, although Russia does not have a large military power and it has an active personnel of 7, 66,000. The military budget of Russian Army is more than $64,000,000,000, which is two-thirds of all their money.

6-British Army

British Army strength and budget

The United Kingdom or British Army is also included in the list of strongest armies of the world. The British army is considered the most experienced army, this can be seen throughout history. British Army was involved in almost all major wars of the world, including the Napoleonic wars, the First World War and the Second World War. Although the United Kingdom has a small army and its active personnel is almost 2,24,500, but its army is most well-trained army which can destroy with its tricks and advanced technology, its military budget is $57,875,170,000.

7-German Army

German Army strength and budget

German Army comes on number seven in the list of strongest armies of the world. In fact German Army is considered one of the best armies on earth without any man-power and without any nuclear power. Germany has a small army and its active personnel is 1, 48,996 and its reserve soldiers are almost 4, 00,000. But we should not think about quantity when there is a very good quality, same is the case with the German army, though they are small in number but they have still an important partnership with the USA and other powerful countries.

8-French Army

French Army strength and budget

French Army is also included in the list of strongest and best army of the world. French Army is considered the autonomous power and it does not have any need of others because it has the ability to crush its enemies all alone and it has proved it in Central Africa and Mali. French Army has well-trained, toughest and experienced soldiers. France has active personnel of more than 3, 62,485 and its reserve soldiers are almost 3, 00,000, its military budget is more than $58,244,000,000.

9-Turkish Army

Turkish Army strength and budget

Turkish Army comes on number nine in the list of the strongest and best militaries of the world. Turkish Army was established almost 2,000 years before that's why it is considered one of the oldest armies of the world. It is said that all Turks are born soldiers and from day one till now they never lose any battle and it is one and only army who faced more than ten nations during its war of independence. Turkish Army is considered the greatest army in NATO after USA Army, it has an active personnel of 6, 50,000.

10-Israel Army

Israel Army strength and budget

Israel Army is also included in the list of top ten strongest and best militarizes of the world. The total population of Israel is just 6.5 million and near about three million are in the military, including both active and reserve personnel. "Only bigger are not stronger", this is proved by Israeli Army. They are worst enemies, unbeatable fighters, experienced and well-trained. They are notorious for their evil and cruel actions in Palestine and many other Islamic countries. That's why Muslims hate Israel Army.
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