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Top 10 Dangerous Snakes in the World

1-Indian cobra

Indian cobra the most dangerous snake on the Earth

The Indian cobra is considered the most dangerous and venomous snake in the world. It is also known as "Asian cobra" or the "spectacled cobra" while its binomial name is "Najanaja". Indian cobra is mostly found in India and Pakistan that's why it is called Indian Cobra. It is included in the 'big four' species that kill mostly the humans by inflicting its snakebites. The Indian cobra has a powerful cardiotoxin and neurotoxin in its venom, so it can cause the paralysis. Its average venom production is 169-250 mg per bite.

2-Common krait

Common krait Dangerous Snake on the Earth

The Common krait is regarded as the second most dangerous and poisonous snake in the world. It is commonly known as "blue krait" or "Indian krait" while its binomial name is "Bungaruscaeruleus". Common krait belongs to "Elapidae" family and it is mostly found in the forests of the Indian subcontinent. It comes on number two in the 'big four' species that kill mostly the humans by inflicting its snakebites. Common krait's average venom production is 10 mg and its venom can kill an adult in just 6-12 hours.

3-Russell's Viper

Russell's Viper Dangerous Snake on the Earth

The Russell's viper comes on number three in the list of the most dangerous and poisonous snake in the world. It is a monotypic genus of poisonous vipers living in Europe, Asia and Africa and its binomial name is "Daboia Russell I". Russell's viper is found in throughout Asia and especially, in the Indian subcontinent, Pakistan, Taiwan and China. It comes on number three in the "big four" snakes that cause the most death incidents of human beings in India. Russell's viper is mostly found in populated areas and it is also a very aggressive snake.

4-Saw Scaled Viper

Saw Scaled Viper Dangerous Snake on the Earth

The Saw Scaled Viper is considered the fourth most dangerous and venomous snake in the world. It is also known as the "little Indian viper" while its binomial name is "Echiscarinatus". Saw Scaled Viper belongs to the "Viperidae" family and it is found in the Central Asia, Middle East and throughout the Indian subcontinent. It comes on the number four in the "big four" species that are responsible for inflicting most snakebites on humans in India. Saw Scaled Viper's average venom production is almost 18 mg.

5-Inland Taipan

Inland Taipan Dangerous Snake on the Earth

The Inland taipan is considered the fifth most dangerous and poisonous snake in the world. It is usually known as the "fierce snake" or the "small-scaled snake" while its binomial name is "Oxyuranusmicrolepidotus". Inland taipan belongs to the "Elapidae" family and is usually found in the central regions of east Australia. Its venom is most toxic and its only one bite has enough lethality that can kill more than 100 young men or 250,000 mice easily. Inland taipan's venom can kill a full grown man within 30 minutes.

6-Dubois' Sea Snake

Dubois' Sea Snake Dangerous Snake on the Earth

The Dubois' sea snake is regarded as the sixth most dangerous and poisonous snake in the world. It is also known as the "reef shallows sea snake" while its binomial name is "Aipysurus Dubois ii". Dubois' sea snake is considered the most poisonous sea snake and it is usually found in New Caledonia, Australia, New Guinea, Coral sea and the Indian Ocean. Its venom production is almost 0.43 mg and laboratory tests have proved that the toxicity of its venom is of median lethal dose, Dubois' sea snake is more active during twilight.

7-Eastern Brown Snake

Eastern brown snake Dangerous Snake on the Earth

Eastern brown snake comes on number seven in the list of the most dangerous and poisonous snakes in the world. It is known as the second most poisonous land snake and its binomial name is "Pseudonajatextilis". Eastern brown snake also belongs to the "Elapidae" family and it is commonly found in Indonesia, New Guinea and Australia. The average production of its venom is 2-10 mg and it is of median lethal dose, mostly its venom is venomous to nerve tissue and also blood coagulants. Eastern brown snake is an Oviparous animal.

8-Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake

Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake Dangerous Snake on the Earth

yellow-bellied sea snake is considered the eighth most dangerous and poisonous snake in the world. It is also known as the "pelagic sea snake" while its binomial name is "Pelamisplatura". yellow-bellied sea snake is basically a venomous species of sea snake from the "Elapidae" the family which is mostly found in the oceanic waters of tropics around the world. The average production of its venom is 1.0-4.0 mg per bite and the toxicity of its venom is also of the median lethal dose which is highly potent.

9- Black Mamba

Black Mamba Snake Dangerous Snake on the Earth

The Black Mamba comes on the number nine in the list of the most dangerous and poisonous snakes of the world. It is mostly found in the sub-Saharan Africa, it is named not because of its scale's color but because of its inky-black color of the interior of its mouth while its binomial name is "Dendroaspispolylepis". Black Mamba is considered the longest poisonous snake native to the African continent and it is also a fastest land snake. Its one bite has enough venom that can kill more than 10 people easily.

10-Death Adder

10-Death Adder Dangerous Snake

The Death Adder snake is regarded as the tenth most dangerous and venomous snakes of the world. It belongs to the "Elapidae" family and there are more than seven species of this genus, its binomial name is "Acanthophis". Death Adder is usually found in the Australia and its nearby regions and New Guinea, in its appearance it is much like vipers. Death Adder's venom production is 40-100 mg per bite and it is highly poisonous venom, it has a quickest strike rate in the world, its venom can kill anyone within six hours.

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