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Top 10 People Who Married Animals

1-Mark Matthews Married His Pony 

Mark Matthews Married His Pony

Human beings always want to do something different and unique to satisfy themselves. It is really interesting and amazing to read about the marriages of human beings with different animals. A man named "Mark Matthews" married his beloved pony named "Pixel" in 1992, really amazing.

2-An 18-Year-Old Balinese Boy Married a Flirty Cow 

An 18-Year-Old Balinese Boy Married a Flirty Cow

A Balinese teenager named, "Ngurah Alit" was caught in an indecent act of intercourse with a cow, the young Alit claimed that the cow had flirted him. So, in June 2010, villagers forced Alit to marry the cow in a ceremony that was organized in order to cleanse the village of this unholy act. After this ceremony, Alit was drowned just symbolically but the flirtycow was really drowned in the ocean.

3-An Eccentric British Millionaire Married a Dolphin 

An Eccentric British Millionaire Married a Dolphin

Another amazing story is included in our post and that is about the marriage of an eccentric British Millionaire with a Dolphin in December 2005. A forty-one years old woman named, "Sharon Tendler" amazingly fell in love of a dolphin named "Cindy" and after fifteen years long romance, she married the dolphin Cindy at an Israeli resort.

4-An Indian Man Married a Dog 

An Indian Man Married a Dog

The story is that an Indian teenager named, Selva Kumar had found two dogs engaged in mating, he threw at them stones and killed them recklessly, after this he hung the carcasses of these dogs from a tree. After such a cruel act his personal suffering had begun and after fifteen years sufferings, he married a female ten years old dog named Selvi at the advice of an astrologer.

5-A Little Indian Girl Married a Dog 

A Little Indian Girl Married a Dog

On the number five, there comes another interesting story and that is about the marriage of a nine years old Indian girl with a stray male dog. Karnamoni Handsa, a young girl had, in fact, a tooth rooted to upper gum that is regarded as a bad omen in her tribe. The elders forced the girl to marry a dog to get rid of evil omen.

6-A German Man Married His Asthmatic Cat 

A German Man Married His Asthmatic Cat

The sixth very amazing and interesting story is about the marriage of a German man with his asthmatic cat. A German man named "Uwe Mitzscherlich", decided to marry with his beloved cat named "Cecilia" that was declared by vets as very close to death, the man paid $395 an actress to officiate his marriage ceremony.

7-A Sudanese Man Married a Goat 

A Sudanese Man Married a Goat

The story of a strange gay marriage between a Sudanese Man and a goat is also included in our list. A Sudanese Man named "Charles Tombe", was caught red-handed by the owner of the goat having sex with the goat. In February 2006, the man was forced by the owner of the goat to marry his goat and pay 15,000 Sudanese dinars to the goat owner.

8-An Australian Young Man Married His Beloved Dog 

An Australian Young Man Married His Beloved Dog

The eighth interesting story of the marriage between human beings and animals is included in our list and that is about an Australian young man married his beloved dog. A twenty years old Australian man named, "Joseph Guiso" married his five years old furry friend named "Labrador" in December 2010.

9-Two Little Indian Girls Married Two Frogs 

Two Little Indian Girls Married Two Frogs

There are a lot of superstitions in India, that's why a lot of marriages of human beings with the animals. Two seven-years-old girls belonging to the Pallipudupet village married to two frogs in January 2009. The reason behind this marriage ceremony is that the villagers want to get rid of the mysterious diseases from the village.

10-A Nepalese Old Man Married a Dog 

A Nepalese Old Man Married a Dog

Lastly, I am going to share with you another very amazing and interesting story that is about the marriage between a Nepalese old man and a dog. In Nepal, a seventy-five years old man married a dog in order to follow an old custom of the "Tharu community" and also to ensure a good luck for him.

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