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Top 10 Cute Animals That Can Kill You



The Pufferfish is included among the cutest fishes in the world, they have very innocent and cute looks but you should not be fooled by their cute appearance. The pufferfish is regarded as the second most poisonous vertebrate in the world, and fishermen use the thick gloves to save themselves from poison and the risk of their getting bitten during the removal of the hook. The poison of a pufferfish can kill anyone by paralyzing the diaphragm and by causing the suffocation.

2-Blue-Ringed Octopuses

Blue-Ringed Octopuses

The Blue-ringed octopuses are also included in the list of the top ten famous species of the octopuses in the world. Its binomial name is "Hapalochlaena" but it is commonly known by its most famous nickname that is the "Blue-ringed octopus". Hapalochlaena also belongs to the class of "Cephalopoda" and mostly lives in the coral reefs and tide pools in the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. Blue-ringed octopuses are regarded as the one of the most venomous marine animals of the world.

3-Polar Bear 

Polar Bear

The Polar Bear comes on number three in the list of most dangerous animals of the world. It has a beautiful and cute appearance but in fact, it is considered the largest animal on land who eats meat. One should never think them innocent by seeing their pretty looks because they are very dangerous and lethal animals for human beings. They have gigantic paws which are enough to kill anyone very easily. Polar Bear is considered a marine mammal and its diet consists of ringed and bearded seals.

4-Slow Loris 

Slow Loris

The fourth cute but dangerous animal of the world is slow loris. Apparently, this strange creature looks very cute, big-eyed baby work and harmless but in fact, it is one and only poisonous a mammal in the world. But human should be careful of its toxin, which is basically released from the sides of slow Lori's elbows, it also mixes this toxin with its saliva in its mouth, its toxin can cause death.

5-Blue Dragon 

Blue Dragon

The Blue dragon is also included in the list of the cutest animals who can kill you. The Blue dragon is basically a small-sized sea slug, just because of its extraordinary beauty, it is commonly known as "Sea Angel". The Blue dragon has dark blue stripes on its head, it eats even the Portuguese Man-O’-War, that is basically a jelly-like creature and also highly poisonous, its venom is dangerous enough that it can cause death.



The sixth most cute and dangerous animal is a dingo, although its wet nose, furry face and its innocent puppy eyes give him a very cute look. But be aware of the fact, that dingo cannot be petted, they are similar to domestic dogs physically but by behavior these are similar to Indian wolf. They, in fact, avoid human contact, When agitated, dingo can become extremely dangerous and attack just like a wild animal.

7-Giant Anteater 

Giant Anteater

The Giant anteater is found in South and Central America, it is no doubt very cute, furry and cuddly. These huge animals are currently considered an endangered species because they are poached for the bush-meat and for their fur. The giant anteater is a big-sized animal and it has sharp and powerful claws, so, they use all these tendencies in self-defense, they have the capability to disembowel a man in a single swipe.

8-Poison Dart Frog 

Poison Dart Frog

The Poison dart frog is, in fact, has a very cute and beguile appearance but its venomous nature is indicated by its name, not from its appearance. This frog is covered the arbitrary patterns and is very small-sized, the conspicuous colors of these arbitrary patterns show that this frog is extremely poisonous. Through their skin, they secrete the highly venomous alkaloid toxins and it can even kill more than twenty humans.

9-Hooded Pitohui 

Hooded Pitohui

The Hooded Pitohui is no doubt a very cute and innocent-looking bird. It is not only cute but it also has a very beautiful and sweet voice, that's why it is known as a "Songbird" in New Guinea. But you will be amazed to know that surprising fact about Hooded Pitohui that it is a poisonous bird. The feathers and the skin of Hooded Pitohui are basically covered with the neurotoxin, its poison is just like the poison of dart frogs but it is much weaker.



In the last of our list of the cutest but dangerous animals of the world, we will discuss the Cassowary. It is basically found in the north-eastern parts of Australia and New Guinea, it looks like an ostrich structurally but in coloration they resemble a peacock. But this beautiful Cassowary becomes dangerous when it is in full attacking mood, it attacks with its straight and long nails that are enough sharp to kill anyone.

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