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Top 10 Funny Habits of Engineers

1-They are not Careful About Their Appearance

They are not Careful About Their Appearance

You will often recognize an engineer by his unique dressing, you should not misunderstand the word "unique" because here unique does not mean stylish and extraordinary but it means strange and ridiculous. Engineers are really not interested in dressing and looks, these are not primary things in their lives, but it is amazing fact about them that whatever their dressing is, they look charming.

2-They do not know About the Words "Order" and "Discipline"

They do not know About the Words "Order" and "Discipline"

It is rightly said about engineers that they love to break the rules and regulations. We see a complete disorder in the lives of engineers, their rooms can be presented as a model of uncleanliness and disorder. Whether they are in colleges, or in offices, whether they are in public places or in their homes, they disturb others by going against the rules and creating disorders.

3-They Only Think in Mathematics

They Only Think in Mathematics

It is famous about engineer that their minds are completely different from common people. They do not think like others, because their is a great difference between the wishes of a coomonman and an engineer. Sometimes it seems that they actually do not think but that's not true, in fact they think but the funny and unique thing about them is that they think only in mathematics. It is amazing how one can think in mathematics but only engineer can give its answer.

4-They Talk in Acronyms

They Talk in Acronyms

Engineers are really great persons because they have made our live very easy and luxurious. The fourth interesting and funny habit is related to their interest of shorten everything. If we say that the main target of engineer is to make things smart, short and easy but their this habit becomes irritating when they start to apply this rule even in their conversation and talk frequently in acronyms.

5-They are Unpredictable

They are Unpredictable

The fifth interesting and funny thing about engineers is that they are unpredictable, mostly they behave and react in that way which you are not expecting. The reason behind this habit is that they do not lead their lives according to some specific rules, in fact they do not know what rules should be followed on a particular place or how they should behave in a particular situation, that' why they themselves do not know that what they will do in next moment.

6-They See Everything Like X-ray Machine

They See Everything Like X-ray Machine

The sixth interesting and funny habit of engineers is that they see everything like x-ray machine. It is really a bad and somewhat irritating habit of engineers, but it is not right to blame them for this habit because it is a part of their nature they cannot get control over this habit. Whatever thing or person is present before them they want to see it inwardly rather than outwardly.

7-They Are Extraordinary Cool and Calm

They Are Extraordinary Cool and Calm

Coolness and calmness are considered the main characteristics of great personalities but their extreme can make a human body just like a robot or a stone-hearted man. Just imagine you are sitting before an engineer, telling him the tragic story of failure in love and you are continuously weeping but mr.engineer is completely unemotional and calm and judging your story logically, no doubt you want to kill him at this calmness but in fact it is a funny situation.

8-You Can Meet Them Only on Social Media

You Can Meet Them Only on Social Media

I never understand that whether the engineers are really busiest persons or they just pretend to remain busy, God knows what is the real matter but it is the eighth most interesting and funny thing of engineers is that they are available only on social media. According to them they have no time for social gatherings, parties and other events, so they consider the social media a best platform of meeting the dear ones.

9-They Can't Enjoy the Benefits of Their Own Production as Much as Others

They Can't Enjoy the Benefits of Their Own Production as Much as Others

It is true that engineers are the creator and producer of almost all technologies of this modern age, everyone has direct or indirect connection with engineers and almost in every field of life we need their services, without their production life seems impossible in this modern age. But it is funny to see them touching a car frequently and trying to examine its inner structure instead of enjoying the comforts of car like other people.

10-Thought of Girlfriend Terrifies Them

Thought of Girlfriend Terrifies Them

It is said that engineer and romance both are opposite of each other, because engineers have no time for girlfriends and romantic tours and dinners. It is really impossible to speak romantic dialogues for a person who even think in mathematics and logic, that's why engineer can not have girl friends even the very thought of having a girl friend terrifies them, itis really funny to see an engineer in front of a cute girl.

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