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Top 10 Benefits of Tea

1-Tea contains Catechins

Tea contains Catechins

The greatest benefit of tea is that there is a lot of catechins or antioxidants in tea especially in green tea. catechins or antioxidants are very beneficial for our body because they have the quality of increasing the ability of human body to burn fat fastly just like fuel. Tea can enhance our exercise endurance and also can improve our muscle endurance because of its catechins or antioxidants.

2-Tea Has Less Amount of Caffeine than Coffee

Tea Has Less Amount of Caffeine than Coffee

A great benefit of tea is that it has less amount of caffeine than coffee because coffee has two to three times greater amount of caffeine than tea. Although, in this mechanical age, the use of caffeine in our drinks has become the part of life to get relaxation but according to doctors the great amount of caffeine is harmful to our body. Tea has a balanced amount of caffeine which relaxes our body without being harmful to it.

3-Tea Enhances Cardiovascular Endurance

Tea Enhances Cardiovascular Endurance

cardiovascular fitness is very necessary to live a healthy life but the high amount of cholesterol creates the unnecessary blood clots which are the greatest cause of heart attack and stroke.Tea enhances our cardiovascular endurance to a great extent because it has the quality to keep the arteries clog-free and smooth. In this way, tea reduces the risk of fatal heart attack in a person who is habitual of drinking tea at least 2 or three cups in a day.

4-Tea is Very Beneficial For our Bones

Tea is Very Beneficial For our Bones

Everyone knows that milk is very beneficial for bones and it has the quality to build strong bones but the recent research have proved that the tea is also very beneficial for our bones. A recent study in which tea-drinkers and non-tea-drinkers are compared proved that those who are habitual of drinking tea for a long period have stronger bones even in old age. So, if you want to build your bones and body strong then you should start drinking tea.

5-Tea Contains Tannins and Fluoride

Tea Contains Tannins and Fluoride

Mostly the people have misconception that the habit of drinking tea is not good for their teeth, they are totally wrong because they forget the real fact that it is the high amount of sugar added in tea which is destructive and harmful for our teeth, not the tea itself. In fact tea itself contains naturally tannins and fluoride which is very beneficial our teeth and helpful in removing the plaque from our teeth.

6-Tea is Helpful for our Immune System

Tea is Helpful for our Immune System

A healthy immune system protects our body from dangerous diseases because it can fight against different viruses. It is one of the great benefits of tea that it makes strong our immune system and helps it to fight against diseases. Tea is also very helpful in destroying the free radicals which can damage DNA of our cells. A recent research proved that those who are habitual of drinking tea have a very high immune system.

7-Tea Protects us Against a Boatload of Cancers

Tea Protects us Against a Boatload of Cancers

Another great benefit of tea is that its antioxidants are really very beneficial for giving us protection against a boatload of cancers. Cancer is really a fatal disease but the tea-drinkers should not be worried about it because the black tea and green tea both have naturally a lot of polyphenols which can fight against almost every type of cancers such as lung, stomach, breast, liver, skin and oral cancers.

8-Tea Keeps us Hydrated

Tea Keeps us Hydrated

Most people have a misconception that the risk of dehydration is increased by drinking tea, but they are completely wrong. The recent researches have proved that tea has as excellent and superb hydration qualities as the plain water. Dr. Ruxton tested the blood samples and urine of tea drinkers and plain water drinkers, both have same results. So, we can say that tea is not only for refreshing us but it also maintains proper hydration just like water.

9-Tea is Calorie-Free

Tea is Calorie-Free

Mostly the people who are very conscious about their diet have all their concerns about what they should eat to remain fit and smart, but even these people are not careful about their drinks which also play an equal role in affecting our health. Almost all tasty drinks and juices have a lot of calories but you can drink a sugar-free tea without any tension because it is completely calorie-free and best drink for keeping you fit.

10-Tea Boosts our Metabolism

Tea Boosts our Metabolism

The last but the greatest benefit of the tea is that it offers the benefits of both catechinsand caffeine which is very helpful to boost our metabolism. A recent research has proved that that a person who is habitual of drinking two to four cups of tea in a day can increase the metabolism and easily burn more than 17% calories of the body which is not possible even after doing an intense exercise, so tea has miraculous effects on metabolism.

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