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Top 10 Causes of Stuttering



Stuttering is really very irritating speech disorder and it creates problems for you to convey your speech to others. There are a lot of causes of stuttering and heredity is one of them, just like many disorders that transfer from parents and other close relatives to children, the same way the disorder of stuttering also transfers from the parents to children. It is also reported that mostly the boys are the victims of this speech order than that of girls.

2-Activation of Right Hemisphere of Brain Instead of the Left 

Activation of Right Hemisphere of Brain Instead of the Left

No doubt stuttering is a multifactorial speech disorder and a great number of factors are involved in it and one of them is the "Activation of Right Hemisphere of Brain Instead of the Left". The recent researches have proved that during the linguistic processing the brain of a stutterer increases the activation of the right hemisphere which is related with emotion, instead of left hemisphere which is related to the speech that's why stuttering occurs.

3-Congenital Factors 

Congenital Factors

On the number three, we will include another most important cause of stuttering in our list of the main causes of stuttering. According to some experts, Congenital Factors also play their role in increasing the intensity of this speech disorder. These Congenital Factors including physical trauma around or at the birth of a child, cerebral palsy and as well as the learning disabilities, all these factors affect the speaking power of a child badly.

4-Lack of Self-Esteem or Confidence 

Lack of Self-Esteem or Confidence

Another very important reason of this irritating speech disorder of stuttering or stammering is the lack of self-esteem or confidence in stutterer. He can not speak with others confidently, that's why this lack of confidence increases the intensity of his speech disorder and such a person also becomes a victim of many psychological disorders and tries to avoid other people and that's why fails to get control over his problem.

5-Inadequate Language Skills 

Inadequate Language Skills

Although there are a great number of internal factors are involved in the speech disorder of stuttering or dysfluency but one of the major internal cause is the "inadequate language skills". Especially the problem of stuttering is very common among the children but as they grow their speech disorder reduces gradually. The reason behind it that such children have not the adequate language skills that are necessary for speaking fluently that's why they stammer.

6-Deficit in Temporal Programming

Deficit in Temporal Programming

It is true that stuttering is a multifactorial speech disorder and a great number of factors are involved in it and one of them is the "Deficit in Temporal Programming". According to recent researches, that stutterer may have a deficit in the timing of their speech movements or in the temporal programming. In fact, their language and speech centers are not present in the usual place that's why it takes time for them in the programming of their speech movements.

7-Stressful Speaking Situations 

Stressful Speaking Situations

On the number seven, we will include another most important cause of stuttering in our list of the main causes of stuttering, that is the inability to handle the stressful Speaking Situations. There are also some kids and even adults who usually speak normally but they begin to stammer in the Stressful Speaking Situations. When they have to speak on the stage or before some strict teacher or any officer, then they cannot handle the situation and begin to stammer.

8-Incapacity For Producing a Fluent Speech 

Incapacity For Producing a Fluent Speech

Another very important reason of this irritating speech disorder of stuttering or stammering is the "Incapacity For Producing a Fluent Speech. A recent research has proved that speech performance basically depends on the capacity that an individual has for producing a fluent speech. Different people have different capacities and that's why they speak according to their capacity in different speed. A stutterer usually has a little capacity for speech performance.

9-Insistence On the Perfect Speech 

Insistence On the Perfect Speech

Although there are a great number of external factors are involved in the speech disorder of stuttering or dysfluency but one of the major external factor is the "Insistence On the Perfect Speech". When a stutterer tries to speak perfectly and with fast speed then he actually increases the intensity of his case because the extreme pressure and try to speak fastly both are the hurdles for a stutterer.

10-Auditory Processing Deficits 

Auditory Processing Deficits

In the last, we will include another most important cause of stuttering in our list of the main causes of stuttering or dysfluency, that is the "Auditory Processing Deficits". It is observed that stuttering is not common among the hard-of-hearing individuals or deaf persons and stuttering can be reduced by altering the auditory feedback such as by delayed auditory feedback, masking or frequency altered feedback.

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