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Top 10 Chicken Breeds

1-Sussex Chicken

Sussex Chicken

The Sussex chicken is considered the most famous and pure breed of hen. It is basically a dual purpose chicken breed means it can be raised equally both for meat and eggs and it is originated in AD 43 in England after the Roman conquest of Britain. The Sussex chicken is found in more than eight colors, in 1903, a Sussex breed club was formed and "American Sussex Association" was formed in 2010. Sussex chicken is considered one of the poultry's most productive breeds.

2-Leghorn Chicken

Leghorn Chicken

The Leghorn chicken is regarded as the second most famous and pure breed of chicken. It is basically originated in central Italy, Tuscany and these were exported for the first time in 1828 to the North America from the Livorno city. Leghorn chickens are mostly used in a great number of countries as layer chickens, they are considered one of the best egg laying breeds of chicken and lay around 250 eggs in a year.

3-Rhode Island Red Chicken

Rhode Island Red Chicken

The Rhode Island Red Chicken comes on the number three in the list of the most famous and pure chicken breeds. This utility bird is basically an American chicken breed and considered a dual purpose chicken breed means it can be raised equally both for meat and eggs and also kept as a show bird. The Rhode Island Red Chicken is considered one of the best backyard chicken breeds because of its excellent laying abilities, it lays more than 250 eggs a year.

4-Welsummer Chicken

Welsummer Chicken

The Welsummer Chicken is also included in the list of the most famous and pure chicken breeds. It is basically a domestic chicken breed and it is commonly found in the Welsum's small village, in the Netherlands. In the early 20th century, the Welsummer Chicken was bred from local birds of mixed origin and now it is raised both for meat and eggs. The Welsummer Chicken is a light, intelligent and friendly breed with a rustic orange and red color.

5-Plymouth Rock Chicken

Plymouth Rock Chicken

The Plymouth Rock chicken, also known as "Barred Rock" is regarded as the fifth most famous and pure chicken breed. It is basically an American domestic chicken breed and it is commonly found in New England, it was developed by the process of cross-breeding of Black Javas and Dominiques in the 19th century. The Plymouth Rock chicken is considered a dual purpose chicken breed means it can be raised equally both for meat and eggs.

6-Orpington Chicken

Orpington Chicken

The Orpington chicken comes on the number six in the list of the most famous and pure chicken breeds. It is basically named after the southeast England's town Orpington, it is considered one of the best backyard chicken breeds because of its excellent laying abilities, it lays more than 180 eggs a year. The Orpington chicken is very attractive chicken breed because of its large size dark color and soft appearance, that's why it is mostly kept as a show bird.

7-Ancona Chicken

Ancona Chicken

The Ancona chicken is also included in the list of the most famous and pure chicken breed. It is basically originated in the Ancona which is the capital city of Marche, the region of Italy, that's why it is named Ancona chicken but it is not commonly found in Italy, it is now famous in the United States and Britain. The Ancona chicken is mostly raised as layer chicken breed and considered one of the best egg laying breeds of chicken and lays around 250 eggs in a year.

8-Hamburg Chicken

Hamburg Chicken

The Hamburg chicken, commonly known as "Hamburger" or "HollandsHoen" is regarded as the eighth most famous and pure chicken breeds. This chicken breed is basically originated in Holland and Germany in 1700 and considered one of the most attractive and common breed there. The Hamburg chicken is a medium-sized or small chicken breed which is found in different varieties of color, it is popular because of its excellent laying abilities.

9-Polish Chicken

Polish Chicken

The Polish chicken, commonly known as "Poland" comes on the number nine in the list of the most famous and pure chicken breed. This chicken breed is basically a European chicken breed and known for its large crest of feathers, the oldest originated in the Netherlands. The Polish chicken is mostly bred and kept as a show bird due to its distinctive appearance but it is also raised for eggs because it is considered one of the best egg laying breeds.



The Marans, also known as "Poule de Marans" is also included in the list of the most famous and pure chicken breed. This chicken breed is basically originated in Marans, a town of France, and it was firstly imported in 1930 into the United Kingdom. A Maran dual is considered a dual purpose chicken breed means it can be raised equally both for meat and eggs. Marans have excellent laying abilities and lay more than 200 eggs in a year.

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